ECNA News & Events



The circumstances are lost to the past, but somehow the public sidewalk on the west side of Camino de la Sierra from Monte Largo north for seven hundred feet was never constructed. Neighbors brought it to our attention that because of the rough surface and the goat heads walkers were forced to walk in the street along this stretch which is unsafe given the volume and speed of the traffic.

ECNA worked with Councilor Harris’ office and one of Mayor Keller’s staff to get that sidewalk placed.  We were pleased when we were notified that this project would begin in October of 2021 and be completed in November 2021. 

Construction has caused inconvenience to local drivers who had to navigate a detour though the Vista del Mundo neighborhood, but the new sidewalk is worth it.

Thanks to all that worked to get this done.

— Crosswalks

We are very happy to report that ECNA with the assistance of staff from both Councilman Don Harris’ office and the Dept. of Municipal Development have used the Councilman’s discretionary funds to place crosswalks at Indian School and Monte Largo.  We believe this will make the intersection much safer to cross.  Still, remember what our Moms told us.  “Always look both ways before you cross.” Crosswalks don’t stop cars  whose drivers are reading a text as they blow by the stop sign.  Many thanks to Councilman Harris for the many things he has done for ECNA.

—Safety Signs Posted

Sign posted at the east end of Indian School Rd at Embudo Canyon Open Space entry. Thank you to City of ABQ Open Space and APD Foothills Command for posting the sign to remind people to lock and remove valuables from their car. An important reminder to people so that the criminals have less of an incentive to break into cars at Embudo Canyon.

We have requested and received additional patrols from APD and Open Space Police. The incidents then are reduced for awhile then the criminals make their rotations back to this trail head again. The smash and grab takes less than a minute. I appreciate people sharing their experiences to heighten awareness and all watching out for one another. Thank goodness there are more good people than bad.

—Mutt Mitt Successes

Thanks to our volunteer Jane, from Embudo Canyon Neighborhood and City Parks and Rec Mutt Mitt program we have a new station at the Lomas arroyo, just east of Tramway. Another volunteer may be joining to provide coverage as needed. As a Mutt Mitt volunteer they refill the dispenser so that good pet owners have a bag easily available to put up after their pet. With this new station we all hope to enjoy cleaner trails. There will not be a trash can at the location, as there is not staff currently to pick up the trash. We will keep on monitoring and may ask for your involvement to encourage the City to provide coverage. There are several Mutt Mitt volunteers in our neighborhood–THANK YOU! How did we get a Mutt Mitt station? Embudo Canyon NA contacted the City on this request and then put out a call on NextDoor for volunteers. Just another reason to join Embudo Canyon NA for good work we can do together. 

—Tramway Cleanup

Meet your neighbors & keep our neighborhood clean by picking up litter along Tramway.

Supported by the NM Department of Transportation, providing trash bags and safety vests.

Remember sun protection, sturdy shoes, work gloves and a grabber tool if you have one


—RIbbon Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony event to celebrate the completion of the landscaping project along the trail near Tramway/Indian School. The event took place on Wednesday, May 12 at 3 pm Councilor Harris, our Department Director; Dave Simon, the project contractors and possibly other elected officials who contributed to this project will be in attendance.

Earth Day ABQ Cleanup


calendar, agenda, notes

Calendar of Events

We have the following events planned – however Due to COVID these may or may not happen. Keep an eye out on Nextdoor.

JanuaryECNA Annual Meeting

March – Adopt a Highway Spring Clean Up along Tramway – gateway to our neighborhood

April Spring Fling & Easter Egg Hunt, partner with neighboring associations

April Neighborhood Garage Sale, coordinated garage sale date with advertisement

MayFire Mitigation/Education Program, programs that help protect our homes and the foothills

JuneBlock Captain Information/Education to support safe neighborhoods

JulyNeighborhood Garage Sale, coordinated garage sale date with advertisement

AugustNational Night Out, partner with neighboring associations to get to know your neighbors

September – Adopt a Highway Fall Clean Up along Tramway – Gateway to our Neighborhood

OctoberFall Festival, a family fun event at Embudo Hills Park

  • Semi- annual adult social gathering at a nearby business
  • Quarterly Board Meetings
  • Coordinated efforts to address zoning violations
  • Support the local library and schools

— Adopt a Highway Clean up Along Tramway

The ECNA has adopted Tramway between Rover and Lomas.  Each Fall and Spring we clean up the road and the bike path between these two streets.  Be on the lookout for information.  If you have specific questions please email us at  Thank you!

Update on the last cleanup this past September 2021.  Last spring we had 19 volunteers, this time we had seven. We lost some of our regulars. Thankfully two mothers and two teen daughters showed up and did a great job going north from I.S. Actually, except for the usual mess at the Lomas Circle K corner, there was minimal trash to pick up along the west side of Tramway (that’s all we worked on). So the end result was pretty good. About 12 bags of trash total.

— National Night Out

In August – National Night Out, partner with neighboring associations to get to know your neighbors

— National Night Out 2023

I- National Night Out, partner with neighboring associations to get to know your neighbors