Why Join
Be part of the ECNA!
The ECNA addresses and follows-through on big issues affecting our area, house values and the civic projects we do.
We build relationships with each other and city leaders.
The social events we plan encourage community building and we are committed to communicating and supporting activities
and programs that help make our community safer.
ECNA Annual Meeting is usually held in January. Notices are posted on our neighborhood signs and social media.
Help make a difference in your neighborhood
According to the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance: "Dues may be collected, however payment of dues cannot be a prerequisite of membership or voting rights in the association."
Embudo Canyon NA has established dues at $20 per year. We offer sliding scale dues including free membership.
Membership is open to all who reside, own property or own a business within its boundaries. We are an inclusive Neighborhood Association and we want you to join.
We can do more together than individually!
Value of Your Membership
The ECNA addresses and follows-through on big issues affecting our area, house values and the civic projects we do. We build relationships with each other and city leaders. The Social events we plan encourage community building and we are committed to communicating and supporting activities and programs that help make our community safer. Membership dues go toward: Events we hold such as the National Night Out, Spring event in the park, Halloween event in the park, promotion of the neighborhood garage sale etc. Postage and printing of information we send to members, the annual meeting notice, and communication with government officials regarding issues of important to the ECNA.
Dues are Used For
Post Office box ($210/year)
National Night Out and Annual Meeting support
Website ($100/year)
Postage and Printing
Supplies and equipment – example the solar lights for the neighborhood signs
All expenditures are voted on and approved by the Board
Why Join

Helpful Information
The ECNA is a link to the City of Albuquerque and its services including the police. Stay informed of news and decisions that impact out area.

Strong Voice
Become part of the collective voice to help influence decisions and have the ear of our public officials to make our neighborhood a better place to live!

An excellent opportunity to get to know your neighbors. Join the neighborhood watch program. De part of the solution in making our neighborhood even better!