Membership Form

Yes, I want to join with my neighbors to make the
Embudo Canyon Neighborhood a better place to live!

We can do more together than individually.  Please join us and become more involved in YOUR neighborhood!
According to the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance:  “Dues may be collected, however payment of dues cannot be a prerequisite of membership or voting rights in the association.” 

Embudo Canyon NA has established dues at $20 per year, prorated based on when you join, or a free membership.

Please fill out the form below. 

If you are joining with free membership or sliding scale, please note that in the message area of the form.

Mail your check to ECNA, P.O. Box 50394, Albuquerque, NM 87181-0394


Your information is kept private.  Board members access only for official ECNA business and not shared with any other organization.

Membership Form - Please fill out the form below